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Ihr Kinderlein Kommet (Come Ye Little Children)

Ihr Kinderlein, kommet,
O kommet doch all!
Zur Krippe her kommet
In Bethlehems Stall.
Und seht was in dieser
Hochheiligen Nacht
Der Vater im Himmel
Für Freude uns macht

o seht in der Krippe
Im nachtlicjen Stall,
Seht hier bei des Lichtes
Heglanzendem Strahl,
In reinliche Windeln
Das himlische Kind,
Viel Schoner und holder,
Als Engelein sind.

Da liegt es, ihr Kinder,
Auf Heu und auf Stroh,
Maria und Josef
Betrachten es froh;
Die redlichen Hirten
Knien betend davor,
Hoch oben schwebt jubelnd
Der Engelein Chor

Come Ye Little Children
(verse 1, 3,4 are most similar translation)
1. O come, little children, O come, one and all.
To Bethlehem haste, to the manger so small.
God’s Son for a gift has been sent you this day.1
To be your redeemer, your joy and delight.

2. The hay is His pillow, the manger His bed
The beasts stand in wonder to gaze on His head
Yet there where He lieth, so weak and so poor
Come shepherds and wise men to kneel at His door

3. He’s born in a stable for you and for me,
Draw near by the bright gleaming starlight to see,
In swaddling clothes lying so meek and so mild,
And purer than angels the heavenly child.

4. See Mary and Joseph with love beaming eyes
Are gazing upon the crude bed where He lies,
The shepherds are kneeling, with hearts full of love,
While angels sing loud hallelujahs above.

5. Kneel down and adore Him with shepherds today,
Lift up little hands now and praise Him as they;
Rejoice that a Savior from sin you can boast,
And join in the song of the heavenly host.

6. Now "Glory to God!" sing the angels on high.
And "Peace upon Earth!" heavenly voices reply.
Then come little children, and join in the day
That gladdened the world on that first Christmas Day

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